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The Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
and gain access to the whole 11 module programme for £75 per month.
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The NCCH Learning Community is a supportive membership for students of our Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. It offers full access to all 11 modules, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
Masterclasses & CPD for Hypnotherapists
Joyful Mind Mentor Self-Development workshops
Digital Downloads and resources
Amazing Audios Masterclass
This masterclass gives you step by step instruction on how to use Audacity to create MP3 recordings for your therapy business.
Neil Christey your tutor is a student at the NCCH and runs his business The Soul Sound Spirit www.thesoulsoundspirit.com.
Neil has worked with audio and sound for many years as a recording artist and a sound therapist, he has used audacity to create and share his sounds on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/thesoulsoundspirit.
Also a qualified music technology expert, Neil will be able to guide you on any recording and production questions.
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Helping teachers, students and learners including those experiencing the challenges of neurodiversity.
Self Care For Therapists
Workshops with Roy Hunter
Spirit Trek with Roy Hunter
Accessing Divine Wisdom (or Spirit Trek), based on Roy's popular book, The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis: Accessing Divine Wisdom (2016, Blooming Twig Publishing). This is experiential, with group journeys and/or individual journeys, depending on the combination of time and number of people present. Ideally suited for those who wish to obtain divine insight from their perception of God or Higher Power. Length, 2 hours.
Spiritual Hypnosis with Roy Hunter - Full Day
Roy Hunter, editor of The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis (2016, Blooming Twig Publishing), created a workshop based on that highly-praised anthology containing case summaries from over two dozen experienced and respected professionals from around the world.
The syllabus
- Introduction
- Overview of Spiritual Realms by well-known healthcare practitioners
- The Concept of Parts Therapy, and How It Relates To Spiritual Hypnosis.
- The Spirit Trek Protocol
- Avoiding Potential Pitfalls
- Past Life Regressions: fact or fantasy?
- Unresolved Past Grief
- Repeated demonstrations
This is a full day of video training.
Hypnotic Regression Therapy with Roy Hunter
This fantastic 2 day workshop was presented in front of a live audience at Costa Mesa, California, in June of 2011.
A PDF version of the participant workbook is included (Regression workbook v2012) and accompanies the 21 video course files.
Learning Objectives
1. Summarize basic hypnotic regression therapy (HRT) theory and techniques;
2. Explain the risk and causes of false memories;
3. Explain how to minimize the risk of false memories;
4. Recognize and discuss the differences between leading and guiding;
5. Assess when HRT is indicated;
6. Compile an HRT pre-talk emphasizing the avoidance of preconceived notions about the cause of the problem;
7. Demonstrate one hypnotic induction technique with deepening procedures;
8. Describe and/or demonstrate how to establish ideomotor finger response signals;
9. Describe which past events we look for during HRT;
10. Describe at least two hypnotic regression techniques;
11. Recognize abreactions and describe how to use hypnotic techniques to facilitate the client's ability to release negative emotions surrounding a past event and to reframe the meaning of the event;
12. Explain how to use appropriate hypnotic suggestion at the conclusion of the regression in order to increase the probability of lasting success;
13. Practice a regression technique in dyads;
14. Explain how the techniques and safeguards built into diversified client centered hypnosis insure that the material uncovered comes from the client and not from the therapist.
Background information
The Four Hypnotic Steps to Facilitate Change (hypnotherapy objectives).
Ideomotor responses to determine whether or not to employ regression.
What IS hypnotic regression therapy (HRT), and which hypnotic objectives can it fulfil?
When is regression appropriate?
The difference between guiding and leading.
In-depth explanation of regression
Phase 1: Client Preparation
Phase 2: Regression Techniques to Discover the Cause
Phase 3: Abreactions and Release
Phase 4: Subconscious Relearning
Phase 5: Concluding the Session
Role Play and Demonstrations
Facilitator demonstration followed by discussion.
Past life regressions: fact or fantasy?
Ethics, possible explanations, techniques, and demonstration.
Inductions with Roy Hunter
This inductions workshop by Master Hypnotherapist Roy Hunter will help you to find the best induction For your clients
• Learn the basic induction categories.
• Learn how to find the best induction for clients, including analytical resisters.
• See a group mental confusion induction.
Charles Tebbetts categorized all inductions into six basic induction types. Some inductions blend more than one type of induction. By understanding the categories, the number of available inductions will be as large as your imagination.
Roy will demonstrate as many inductions as time permits, including a group mental confusion induction.
A Miracle on Demand.
An epileptic overcomes seizures... "A Miracle on Demand"
This is a historical video of the the famous Charles Tebbetts working with Parts Therapy.
The late Charles Tebbetts was at his best facilitating this therapy for a former epileptic, using both regression and parts therapy - with a resulting success that lasted for nine years before another follow-up was needed.
This profound therapy was detailed in Chapter 12 of The Art of Hypnotherapy...length, under 1hr.